Monday, August 21, 2017

RIM Archives | Rare Eclipse Glasses

Hi, Jammers and welcome back to the RIM Archives! As you know, the very first solar eclipse took place in Jamaa on August 17, 2017. Today is the REAL solar eclipse, and it is Monday, so AJ celebrated by making today's RIM a pair of Rare Eclipse Glasses.
The RIM item: Rare Eclipse Glasses
Shop: Jam Mart Clothing, 9th page
Members only?: No :D
Date: August 21, 2017
Land or sea?: Land
Cost: 875 gems

Happy Solar Eclipse, both in Jamaa and the real world!


Friday, August 18, 2017

(old username)I'M ON THE EPIC DENS LIST!!!!

PLEASE NOTE: Whatever106 was my old username.



I know this might not be a big deal for some people if they were on the Epic Dens List, but it is to me. If you don't see my username, it's Whatever106.

I'm honestly surprised I made it onto the list.

My friend cookiegaming106 helped me design the room in the screenshot below, and I'm very grateful. She helped me with the positioning and even gave me her items.

There's eight people in my den as I write this.

I logged onto AJ and saw about six Jammers in my den and wondered what was going on. I then looked at the Epic Dens List and realized I was on it. Like I said, it's a big deal... to me.

That's it for today! Jam on!


Thursday, August 17, 2017

The First Total Solar Eclipse in Jamaa!! | Updates

Hi, everyone! I'm super excited because today is the very first total solar eclipse in Jamaa! My friend cookiegaming106 and I traveled Jamaa to see the eclipse and we gathered these screenshots.

See if you can spot the eclipse in Jamaa today and be sure to catch the real one on August 21, 2017. Jam on!


Monday, August 14, 2017

RIM Archives | Rare Bee Shirt with Wings

Hey, people! Once again, it's Monday and that means Rare Item Monday(RIM)! Today in Jam Mart Clothing we have a rare bee shirt, complete with wings. Now for the rest of the info...
The RIM item: Rare Bee Shirt with Wings
Shop: Jam Mart Clothing, 16th page
Members only?: Yes
Date: August 14, 2017
Land or sea?: Land
Cost: 1,500 gems

Look out for next week's RIM item!


Friday, August 11, 2017

Cafe Smoothie Machine Glitch | Glitches

Hey, Jammers! Yesterday I found this glitch with the Cafe Smoothie Machine. When you click on the machine, it gives you a smoothie that looks somewhat like a frappuccino. Sometimes it just sticks somewhere in your den. I don't know exactly how to do it, but it usually happens after you decorate your den a bit. As you can see from the photo above, the smoothie is stuck to the... pizza.

Welp, I couldn't think of anything more intelligent to write, so there you have it. The smoothie is stuck to the pizza.

Wanna try out this glitch? The Cafe Smoothie Machine will be in the Jam Mart Furniture shop for 6 more days, so get it before it's gone!
Jam on!


Monday, August 7, 2017

RIM Archives | Rare Burger Hat

Hi, everyone! Daylite here. Welcome to the RIM Archives, my weekly column on the Animal Jam Sketchbook! As you can see from the pictures, this week's rare item is a rare burger hat. Now, on to the facts...
The RIM item: Rare Burger Hat
Shop: Jam Mart Clothing, 11th page
Members only?: Yes
Date: August 7, 2017
Land or sea?: Land
Cost: 950 gems

Grab the RIM Burger Hat before it's gone! Subscribe to the AJ Sketchbook Newsletter to receive notifications on new RIM items!


Friday, August 4, 2017


A user called Airway is hacking AJHQ and luring Jammers into the concept land of Crystal Sands, aka Sandy/Speedo Shores. As a result, Jammers who enter these beta-like lands are banned.
But not Airway!
PLEASE. I beg you. If you receive a buddy request from Airway, DENY IT.
Some Jammers Airway tried to get banned include Straycat2 AJ and Silverfox12345 AJ, who are both live streaming on the topic as I write this.
Jammers have been trying to notify AJHQ of this, including me. This is happening August 4, 2017.
Please do not fall for this. However, if you do happen to spot Airway, report him, go straight to your den, and LOCK it.

Stay safe, everyone.


Juno the Ancient Hero | Updates

GUYS GUYS GUYS GUYS GUYS. I know I'm probably making a way bigger deal about this than I should, but today I learned Juno the Ancient ...